Data access levels

We aim to make Record Pool data as accessible as possible so that it can be used to help with conservation applications, such as understanding distributions, assessing status, or informing habitat management.

 Public userRecord Pool userLocal recorders & project leaders
Location resolution 10km
(all species)
1km (non-sensitive species)

10km (sensitive species**)
Full resolution (all species)
(for assigned data only)
Ability to download data N/A Yes Yes
Recorder’s personal and site details* N/A N/A Yes 
(for assigned data only)
Record verification status Yes Yes Yes
Access to mapping Yes Yes Yes
Full access to own data N/A Yes Yes

* A recorder’s personal and site details are: 
name, company/organisation name, comments, survey site name.

** Species classed as sensitive are: 
smooth snake, sand lizard, adder, natterjack toad, north american bullfrog, pool frog.

Public user

Casual visitors to the Record Pool website are welcome to view data at a low location resolution in the data tables and map without needing to login.

Simply browse to our Data or Maps page to get started.

Record Pool user

Anyone can be a Record Pool user! You'll be able to view non-sensitive data at a higher resolution than a public user. You'll also be able to download data in spreadsheet (csv) format and you'll have unrestricted access to view and map your own records.

You can quickly and easily become a Record Pool user by registering for a free account.

Local recorders

Our local recorders are individuals who are experienced in surveying reptiles and amphibians and have an expert local knowledge. They kindly volunteer their time to the Record Pool and are responsible for verifying records which are submitted for their local area.

Local Recorders have detailed, full resolution access to the records for their area so that Record Pool data can be used for conservation and research on a local level. The recorders we share data with are expected to work to recognised data standards (as promoted by the Association of Local Environmental Records Centres and the National Biodiversity Network).

If you are interested in offering to become a Local Recorder, or need to get in touch with the Local Recorder for your area, please contact us.

For further information about our data access levels and policies, please see the data access FAQ.


A collaborative project from &